Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thanks Richard

This lavender prom dress is several decades old, as am I.  Richard, an old friend gave it to me.  One Monday morning, he came into my office in that downstairs yellow space with the French doors, and he handed me a plastic bag - "here, I thought of you when I found this", he said.  Looking inside, I saw a strapless chiffon-ey dress in a beautiful color - "Richard, what will I do with this,"  I asked. "You'll think of something," he said, with that slight chuckle and twinkle  in his eye.  I thought of Richard last  night, about midnight, as I lay  pondering what creation I could throw together for a Halloween outfit for work today.  I had already made the meat loaf shaped like a hand, and the Q-tip snacks - lollipop sticks with mini marshmallows dipped in a little peanut butter - ewww, you get the picture. 
But I remembered the dress, and jumped up to start ransacking the closet.  There it was - a vision from the 50;s - wrinkled and impressive in it's lines and color..........I had  my outfit.

Well, Richard passed about five years ago, but I couldn't help thinking of him quite a bit today, as fellow workers admired my "prom" dress, studded with brooches and pinned together at the side to allow for my burgeoning midriff...I had great fun spraying my hair with green color, and smearing gray, pasty make-up on my face and pinning the black crow to my birds nest of a teased hairdo............and I thought "You were right Richard - I did think of something...and Thanks."

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