Fluttering about the car

Birdsong along
the road
Billy Joel
singsA pale tan and white goat crosses the road
A tiny black squirrel
A mole
A chipmunk
Two deer
Men waving
An old stone schoolhouse
Yellow butterflies everywhere
Fluttering past the windshield
The zen
The old barnsLittle Pond campground
Clear and clean
Beware of bears
Selfie on the bridge
Helpful boy-men in pick-up truck
Yellow butterflies everywhere
Fluttering so near, so near
Green green
lilacs, moss covered logsRushing river
Rippling over rocks
Stone walls
Fallen fences, rusted wire
Barns fallen in on themselves
Abandoned creatures of yore
Birdsong, Blue skies
Yellow butterflies everywhere
Fluttering, fluttering
What is the meaning of the butterfly? This animal totem is primarily associated with symbolism of change and transformation.
- Powerful
transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality
- Moving
through different life cycles
- Renewal,
- Lightness
of being, playfulness
- Elevation
from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual
- The
world of the soul, the psyche

A secondary meaning of the butterfly is about
finding joy in life and lightness of being.
out, they’re sulphur butterflies. Caterpillars of these butterflies feed
on plants in the legume family. This includes beans, alfalfa, sweet clover and
red clover. Because their caterpillars are readily found on
alfalfa, the butterfly is sometimes called “alfalfa butterfly.”
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