Glorious sleep-in Saturday!
Saturdays the day of laundry and putter
Saturday’s my day of oatmeal with butter
Saturday mornings, nowhere to go
Up in the closet down on the floor
Saturdays a day you just can’t ignore
Oh hail to Saturdays!
when some ladies shop for me the beauty lies in having to not
To mosey, to amble, to shuffle, to poke
The day to be dreaming with stories unspoke
Saturday's a blessing on which I count dearly
To remove all the traces of a work week so wearyAwakening from slumber so long and extended
The cheeks may look pinky, the fears apprehended
If your Saturday portends no company to pleaseAnd the house need not be tidy but just as you please
then no bustling or hustling or running about
need mess up your Saturday, cast you in doubt
Oh hail to Saturday, the three syllabled day!
It’s said Saturday’s child has to work for a living for me that has always been my misgiving
Yet now I do not on Saturdays toil
In the work place where manners and limits unfurl
To flit without deadline from task to task
With no direct outline and no one to askI thank all the powers for giving this day
Each week I live on, for as long as I may,
Tis a blessing for me to be able to say
Saturday, Saturday, what a wonderful day!
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