How many signs of spring can be found on a May day?
You swipe them away; they hit the floor and go on about their business
The scent of viburnum blooms, thick and sweet and spicy and yes, sexy, sultry
The smell rolls around the corner on a May breeze,
compels you to drop the rake and search out the source.
Ah, yes, you’d forgotten that scent, and there it is,
the bulky bush heavy, laden with the sweet clusters, poised between the bare-sticks of the Roses of Sharon, alert, but not yet ready.
Early spring. The daffs are fading and nodding, ready to hand over the glory to the lilacs.
Windows are cranked open, stretching and breaking the accumulated winter cobwebs.
The chimes can be heard now. The birds can be appreciated.
The soft breeze can diffuse the leftover smells of breakfast.
The long reaching roots of Lily of the Valley have pushed hither and yon;
the circle you so carefully planted last year around the ferns now looks like
a meeting place for an army of random greenlings. They stand erect and furled in no particular pattern, but oh my how tall and straight they are – and how many!
The pond is still and begins to reflect the first blush of green on the trees. The sky’s bright blue face is reflected on the surface, creating a blue and green rippling, liquid, tapestry.
There are so very many signs, and Spring has just begun gifting us with her riches.
Thank you! I am smitten with Spring.
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